FRANK MOLTER – Growing up in Kiel, Germany, I started at an early age with photography opportunities. In 2006, post my graduation and study in Germany, Spain and Italy I started my professional career as independent photographer. Since then my customers ranged from publishing companies and agencies to corporations.

I specialise in business and reportage photography as well as sporting and outdoor documentations and people photography. I am working across Germany and on international assignments.

If you are interested in more details about me or booking I would love to share with you more information.


2021: PANDEMIE – 365 Tage Corona



2021: Scholarship VG Bild-Kunst for “Logbook of pandemic moments”

2020: Scholarship Landeskulturamt Schleswig-Holstein for “Logbook of pandemic moments”

2018: Winner photo contest Windsurf-World-Cup Sylt /, Mercedes-Benz

3. Platz “Pictures of the year” – Kategorie: Feature / Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

2017: Winner “Sportfoto des Jahres” / VSHS, Raifeisenbanken

Winner photo contest Windsurf-World-Cup Syt /, Olympus

2015: Winner “Reisefoto des Jahres” / Die ZEIT, CeWe

2014: Winner photo contest

Windsurf-World-Cup Sylt /, Panasonic



Mobil: +49 (0) 179 504 3012